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Houston Lonestar BCA 191 By-Laws

Team by-laws (league by-laws supersede BCAPL rules)

General League By-Laws

League Officers:

Cippy Estrada

Diane Dittmer

Sarim Tirmizi (Tech Support)



Player Committee:

Player committee consists of the League Officers and all Team Captains. There will be regular (pre/post season) meetings as well as special meetings as deemed necessary. The purposes of these is to discuss plan/outcome of the league session, arbitrate disputes and interpret rules.

At the meetings, the members present will constitute a quorum for the transaction of business.  Each team is allowed one vote. All league members are allowed to attend but only the captains or league officers may have the floor to speak. Any members speaking our interrupting the progression of this meeting meeting will be asked to discuss comments and concerns privately with their captain for the first 2 (Two) interruptions. The third time, the meeting will be paused and the member will be excused from the meeting. The purpose of this is to ensure that all matters are addressed in a timely and respectful manner. If there are any key concerns that need to be brought up, please contact a league officer before hand to ensure that these are added to the agenda.



BCA Pool League Sanction Fee:

BCA Pool League membership is required at a one-time per year at a cost of $20.00/player. For BCA Pool League and league records, names, and addresses of each player must be provided. Until these pieces of information are not provided, the player will not be added to the LMS system. Please complete a new player form and submit with your weekly dues or send over to Diane Dittmer.



Vegas Trip Rules:

The primary prize in our season is to send as many teams to Vegas as possible. Prize money paid to those teams who win trips is intended solely for the purpose of sending the best possible representation of our league to the National championship. Any team that qualifies and enters in the National Championships,  MUST be comprised of at least three original team members and any other players from the league who have qualified by playing at least 8 weeks during the season. If these qualifications cannot be met, the entry is forfeited and awarded to the next qualified team. Any money paid for entry into the National Championships for the team that does not meet the eligibility criteria defined here, MUST be returned to the league. The forfeiting team will receive the prize money from the prize pool per the breakdown. If the trip funds are not returned, the team will not be allowed to play for another season until they pay the funds back.



Dues are payable on nights of play in the form of cash in the envelope. The envelope must list the team name and player names with the amounts submitted. Dues per week vary per night of play and a player is required to pay the dues for each night they play. All players, regular or substitutes, will be required to pay the BCA Pool League sanction fee payable once a year. These are due in the first 3 weeks of the season (first week of play if a new player is added during the season). If a player or team forfeits their game, they are still required to pay the dues for that night. Any team short of dues because of forfeits or non-payment will have the shortage deducted from their prize money at the end of the season. Team without forfeits will not be penalized for another team's shortage. It is the responsibility of the team captains for collecting weekly dues and turning them in to Diane.


Handicap by FargoRate:

Our League uses CSI LMS(League Management System). Handicaps are determined by using the BCA League Handicap Calculator.(see link on Home Page to the Handicap Calculator). Every player must have a Fargo Rating. New players without a Fargo Rating will use the starting default ratings, which are 525 for male and 425 for female entrants. League officials also reserve the right to assign the starting Fargo Rating based on the player’s known ability. Player must be sanctioned by BCAPL to play in our league. Non-sanctioned player’s score will not be entered into LMS.


Tie Score:

In the event of a tie score, the win will be awarded to the team having the higher number of games won. If a mistake on the score is discovered during the processing of the data to be posted, the league directors will make the corrections and notify the respective captains of the mistake.


Individual Standings:

Top ten individual standings will be determined on a percentage basis (games won / total games played). In order to qualify, a player must play 70% of eligible games. In case of ties, the player's average(carried to one decimal) will be the determining factor.


Night of Play By-Laws


All scores must be submitted through the scorekeeping app. For questions on how to use it, please contact Cippy or Sarim (Fridge). Each night of play has a phase out date for score sheets but HLBCA will stop accepting paper score sheets as of 7/1/2022. Any scores submitted on paper after that date will not be added into the system and the teams will have 1 week to input into the app or the match will not be counted.


Missing player:

If you are missing a player and not able to find a sub or have one (1) player play a playback, you will have to name a player as the missing player in order to use the Handicap Calculator. The scores for the missing player will be zero for all 5 games. The opponents of the missing player will score 10s (WF-Win by Forfeit). Each team must have at least three(3)players from the team roster in order to play the match. If not, the team will be given a forfeit, and all 5 players will score zeros. The opponent players will receive 10's (WF - Win by Forfeit). Both team captains are to provide the 5 player’s name from each team. If names are not provided, 5 names will be selected by the league officials.


Team Fargo Limits:

There will be no limit to the Team Fargo total for a match. However no individual player with Fargo Rating of over 720 is allowed to play on the team.



Coaching (Time out):

On any one turn, a player may ask for coaching from one member of his team only (The person coaching does not have to be playing that night but MUST be listed on the team roster). Each player of the game is allowed one time out, per game. Each time out should be restricted to 2 (two) minutes. Time-outs can be called by the player at the table or a team member playing that night.



Staring Time:

Play will start no later then 8:15 p.m. (for Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday nights). Players absent will be allowed to make up the first two rounds if he/she arrives before the beginning of the third round. A player arriving after the beginning of the third round will be allowed to play the remainder of games and 0 will be given for the games missed.





No new teams will be accepted after schedules have been set except to replace one that has dropped out.  Team captains are responsible for verifying score sheets and refereeing any disputed games.  Any team forfeiting two weeks in a row will be dropped and replaced. The new team must accept the existing scores.  Each team will be allotted one table for practice before start of league play, beginning at 7:00 p.m.  No gambling or practice are allowed during league play.  No new players may be added for the last 8 weeks of any season. 


General Playoffs rules


See playoffs rule flyer for more details.

1. No Coaching

2. No Handicapping

3. Race to 8 until final five matches . . . then Race to 13.(in most cases)

4. A person may play in the Playoffs as long as that person has played at least 8 weeks on any team within the league during the current season.

5. Substitutions of any of your regular players are allowed at the top of any round (provided no two players meet more than once in the same match).

6. All teams will be seeded.

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